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“Well I was wondering if you’d let me stay an extra hour today, I’ve been wanting to work on my flip turns to make sure I’ve got it down before tomorrow.” The coach turned to face him, and nodded. “Okay then, you’re dismissed! See you tomorrow, guys.”Īs the team got up and made their way over to the men’s locker room at the far end of the complex, Ryan made his way to the coach, taking off his swim cap and shaking the water out of his short brown hair. Everybody clear on that?”Ĭoach Klein nodded. The bus will get here around 9AM, it’s a two hour ride, and the meet starts at 1PM. So get a good night’s rest, make sure you eat a healthy dinner, and pack some healthy snacks for the bus ride there and back. “Now I don’t have to tell you all about how important tomorrow’s meet against McLane is - you already know that. “Okay guys, good practice today,” Coach Klein said. He noticed the rest of his team gathering over in the far corner of the pool, and jointed them. Ryan finished his lap in the pool and pulled himself out, glancing around the indoor pool complex. Coach Klein blew the whistle, signaling the end of practice for the day.

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